
Welcome to get to know our company!


Enthusiasm for online shopping ignites

The idea for the company was born at the end of 2023, when we noticed a market niche in our beloved hobby. For us, this hobby is more than just a pastime – it's a passion and part of our identity. As we toured the golf courses and exchanged experiences with other golf fans, we noticed a common concern: the high prices of new golf equipment. Discussions closer to the end of the season highlighted this issue even more as many golfers considered options. This realization inspired us to find a solution to this problem that would be both economically and ecologically sustainable. This is how the idea was born to offer high-quality used golf equipment that would be easily available and reasonably priced. This started the journey towards founding a company that combines the love of playing golf and the desire to make golf equipment more accessible.

The journey begins

Used Golf Treasures

Lefigolf is a new Finnish player in the golf industry, which in 2024 will focus on the purchase and sale of used clubs and the sale of ancillary products. The company's selection also includes used bags, golf balls, rangefinders, practice mats and nets, and other golf accessories. In addition, Lefigolf offers services such as customization of clubs, repair and maintenance work, and advice on choosing golf equipment. The company's goal is to make high-quality used golf equipment easily available to all golf fans, while promoting sustainable consumption and environmental responsibility.


Look to the future

Our goal is to grow business during the -24 golf season so that in 2025 we are ready to start selling the new products of the most well-known club brands. We are trying to expand our selection to other golf accessories, such as new and used golf clothes, shoes, and various golf practice equipment. We want to offer our customers as comprehensive a selection as possible of everything that golf requires, whether it's a beginner or an experienced connoisseur. In addition, we invest in the quality of our services and customer experience, so that we can create long-term relationships with our customers and strengthen our position as a reliable and respected player in the golf industry.


Lefigolf's mission is to serve every golfer as well as possible and to offer its customers a wide selection of high-quality used clubs. This is guaranteed by actively learning new things about our own products, buying high-quality rackets and the best customer service in the industry.


Friends on the other side of the website

Lefigolf is a two-man company, behind which there is an iron expert who has already worked in a few small companies and a customer service-oriented hard-working salesman.


Joonatan Fihlman, CEO, partner, 28 HCP

From Morje, my name is Joonatan Fihlman and I am responsible for financial management, contracts and marketing at Lefigolf. Händäri's high number is not due to incompetence, but rather indicates a passion for trying, which is why the number has not had time to refine more in recent years.


Pyry Leppänen, partner, 20 HCP

Moro, I'm Leppänen Pyry and my job at Lefigolf is buying clubs, taking care of the website and running things.


Joonatan Fihlman, CEO, partner, 28 HCP

From Morje, my name is Joonatan Fihlman and I am responsible for financial management, contracts and marketing at Lefigolf. Händäri's high number is not due to incompetence, but rather indicates a passion for trying, which is why the number has not had time to refine more in recent years.


Pyry Leppänen, partner, 20 HCP

Moro, I'm Leppänen Pyry and my job at Lefigolf is buying clubs, taking care of the website and running things.

thank you

Finally, we would like to thank you for getting to know our company and its operations. Now all you have to do is put on your shopping pants and go to the shops!

For shopping